Start to a Fashionable week!

I think I will keep this column for the rest of the year!

We all need a little bit of something to make us feel glamorous. You don`t need to spend a lot of money, all you need is some inspiration and resourcefulness.

I dare to dream and hope that at one point you will find my regular proposals a source of inspiration which will help you find an answer to the dreadfull questions: What am I wearing today?

Monday Morning After
Click!Click!Click! On the image.

Amazing Tuesday 

Pop of color for a borning day @office

Wednesday in the middle
Well fitted coat
Just a little bit Thursday 
Comfortable booties

At last Friday
Do it all over Saturday
Chill Sunday

Where do you find daily inspiration?


  1. Hey trecut pe la mine pe blog si mi-ai inseninat ziua. Sorry that took me so long time to write back, but I guess that lack of time is usual these days.... I like your blog! I like also this post...and hopefully some day I'll sleep in one of these "Chill Sunday" :)) Hope you are from Romania...if not...well I wrote some of my thoughts in English too; )

    1. Buna, Ella! Multumesc frumos pt vizita si pentru comment. Made my day! :D

